Justice for Rick Allen

Transparency in justice.

The attorneys representing Mr. Allen continue to receive a considerable number of inquiries and requests for access to public records and exhibits related to State of Indiana v. Richard Allen.

In response to similar requests, the Court has stated that "the exhibits are needed for the production of a transcript if one is requested by the parties" and that fulfilling such requests "will interrupt the process and guarantee the Reporter will be forced to ask the Indiana Court of Appeals for an extension of time [to] file the transcript."

Recognizing the significant public interest and in the spirit of transparency, this site will serve as a central resource for accessing public records, exhibits, frequently asked questions, and updates on Mr. Allen's post-conviction legal proceedings. All information will be provided in accordance with the Indiana Rules on Access to Court Records and Indiana Code 5-14-3.

This is the full, raw, 43 second video obtained directly via the extraction performed on Liberty German's iPhone 6s by Sgt. Brian Bunner on February 15, 2017: